Jiangsu Wangshi Ecological Agriculture Development Co., Ltd.
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  • First, the orchard introduction

    The Harvest Harvesting Garden covers an area of ​​300 mu and the daily output is as high as 3,000 kg. The whole process of picking gardens is manual weeding. The figs are never pesticides, and food safety is guaranteed! Everyday sales are the freshest fruits picked in the morning, fresh and nutritious!

    The figs are not really "flowerless", "there is a wasp in each fig", the edible part of the fig is the flower, and the flower needs to be pollinated for reproduction, so the wasps that help it pollinate need to climb into the fig to pollinate the flower.

    Fig fruit can be combined twice a year (spring fruit and autumn fruit), figs are generally listed every year from mid-July, and the autumn fruit continues to be released until September. The red flesh of the fig rose is inlaid with countless small seeds, the juice is rich, the fragrance is soft and smooth, and it is rich in nutrients. The red flesh in the middle tastes the sweetness of the thick juice. Countless small seeds collide at the tip of the tongue. When you bite it, you will hear a very crisp sound, which is bigger than the dragon's grain. The seeds of passion fruit, the figs of the figs are sweeter and the graininess is full of flesh, crispy teeth.

    Second, the effect of fig

    1, increase appetite, laxative

    Although the fig is sweet, it is rich in acidic components. It also contains enzymes such as proteases, lipases and hydrolases. These substances can be absorbed by the body to accelerate the digestion and absorption of food and increase appetite. And it contains lipids that can promote gastrointestinal motility, and can ease the bowel movements.

    2, prevention of hypertension and coronary heart disease

    Usually eat more figs, it has obvious protective effect on human heart and brain blood vessels. It contains lipase and hydrolase, which can accelerate the decomposition and metabolism of fat and cholesterol in the human body, purify the blood and promote blood circulation. It can prevent high blood. Blood lipids and high blood pressure can also reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease.

    3, enhance the body's ability to resist disease

    Fig. not only can supplement vitamins and minerals to the human body, it can also improve the body's disease resistance and prevent cancer. It contains psoralen, citrus lactone and aromatic oil to promote immune cell regeneration. It can prevent cell cancer and has a good preventive effect on gastric cancer and lung cancer.

    Contact number: Mr. Wang 13868906809 Mr. Pan 13327996233

    Address: Dafeng Harvest Land Modern Agriculture Demonstration Zone (No. 199, Shugang Road, Dafeng District, Yancheng City)

    Picking period: August 1st to November 11th, price: 10~12 yuan per catty.