Sun Qiao Science Museum
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  • Sunqiao Modern Agricultural Science and Technology Museum covers an area of 4,500 square meters. It is the crystallization of modern agricultural cooperation between Dafeng and Sunqiao. It mainly uses modern greenhouse facilities to display modern agricultural technology in a concentrated way, explaining the plant from seed source to seedling to production. The whole process of biotechnology.

    The library consists of high-quality seed sources - tissue culture - vegetable factories - digital agriculture - essential oil extraction and modern facilities agriculture. Each section includes several agricultural sections that best reflect the characteristics of the times. In the design, we fully consider the virtual, real-life and participation elements, respectively, using electronic means to highlight the whole, highlighting the reality with physical or simulated landscapes, and highlighting the kindness with interactive participation.

    The landscape of the museum combines the romance of the rose garden, the warmth of the banana garden, the rigor of digital agriculture and the novelty of the tropical botanical garden. It gives people visuals through plant cutting experience, seed painting production, vegetable salad tasting, and essential oil extraction demonstrations. While enjoying the impact of the senses, we will transform people's traditional concepts of agriculture, lead people into the new era of agricultural science and technology, and promote the development of Dafeng modern agriculture.

    In 2018, the Science and Technology Museum added a nighttime beer venue for visitors to enjoy self-service barbecues, self-service vegetable hot pots, fruit and vegetable and home-brewed beer, and watch the World Cup or movies.

    Contact: Ms. Chen Tel: 18761246555