Network Marketing Center
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  • The center is a comprehensive network information platform for agricultural and sideline products sales integrating product sales, brand promotion, technology transfer, technology transformation and policy promotion. Serve the main business of farmers through the following aspects:

    The first is to build an O2O network sales platform for agricultural products, and to provide multi-dimensional sales channels for agricultural products sales under the line of nearly 100 entity franchise stores. It has already driven 500 agricultural entities to start businesses. This year, online and offline sales agreements have reached 150 million yuan.

    The second is to create a “bumpy land” brand, use the brand advantage to gather Dafeng high-quality agricultural products, and unified packaging sales. At present, more than 40 kinds of agricultural products resources such as shrimp and shrimp sauce have been included.

    The third is to combine the advantages of the park seed company to provide farmers with seedlings, improved seedlings and other technical services, and develop entrepreneurial farmers to develop high-quality agricultural products. At the same time, timely release of agricultural product information to help farmers brokers operate rationally. At present, 50 million high-quality seedlings have been provided to more than 8,300 farmers through 114 farmer brokers.

    Fourth, regular training services will be provided to use the advantages of platforms and information to organize large-scale grain farmers, agriculture-related enterprises, and farmers to train and improve their entrepreneurial capabilities. This year, 135 agricultural-related enterprises and agricultural associations have become members and 624 large-scale breeding enterprises have provided entrepreneurship training services 16 times.