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I don't know why I like you.
Source:Harvest Land Modern Agriculture Demonstration Zone   Date:08-02   Click :3577

I like you very much

Like the wind, I walked eight thousand miles.

No return period


I like you very much

Sunset like a small river

Heart 涟漪


I like you very much

Love whispers like Linshuishan Curie



I like you very much

Tropical rainforest like a small bridge

Colorful and beautiful


I like you very much

Refreshing and delicious like a colorful tomato



I like you very much

Like shattered sunlight through the branches of grapes

Warm and accessible


I like you very much

See familiar scenery like anywhere else

I am afraid to read


Until one day

Found here

Better than ever seen love

All mountain rivers

Harvest land

This is my possession


Previous:The harvest of the earth is coming! ! !      Next:Grape prince is on the line, the grapes are picked and gone~~