Jiangsu Quan run nature Biological Technology Co., Ltd.
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  • I. Basic information of the project

    The total investment of the project is 100 million yuan, covering an area of ​​52 mu, with an annual output of 2 million bottles of Chaomei Blueberry and Quanjian Blackberry. In 2018, it plans to invest 50 million yuan. The project is located in the Harvest Modern Land Demonstration Park. It is planned to complete the main project in 2018 and some equipment will be put into operation.

    Second, the investment situation

    The project was invested and constructed by Jiangsu Quanrun Nature Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

    Third, the source of funds and investment composition

    1. Source of funds: self-raised;

    2. Investment composition: 45 million factory buildings, 30 million equipment, infrastructure (road, greening, fire, power distribution, door guard, waterscape) total 10 million, decoration 15 million.

    Fourth, the current construction progress or the progress of the preliminary work

    1. Procedures: The construction project planning permit has been completed. At present, the planning permit for three single buildings (comprehensive building, No. 2 factory building, dining hall) is being processed.

    2. Current construction situation: the office building is sprayed with real stone paint, and the second factory building is built with walls and painted. The canteen is built on the wall, and the road has been approached, and the rainwater and sewage pipes are immediately excavated. The floor of the fire pool is poured, and the steel bars are laid and the vertical mold is built.

    V. Location of the project

    The project is located in the harvest area of ​​Dafeng District of Yancheng City, on the east side of Wuyi River and on the north side of Tonggang Avenue.