Jiangsu Jinpinyuan Ecological Agriculture Development Co., Ltd.
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  • Jiangsu Jinpinyuan 1000 acres of ecological vineyards, invested by Shanghai Weikaisu Power Station Equipment Co., Ltd. The project covers an area of ​​1,000 mu with a total investment of 50 million yuan. Registered “Jiangsu Jinpinyuan Ecological Agriculture Development Co., Ltd.” and Dafeng District Jinpinyuan Grape Professional Cooperative. After the project is fully completed and put into effect, it will be based on the breeding of new varieties of grapes, standardized production and industrial development, supplemented by the demonstration of famous fruit products, the harvest of seasonal fresh fruits, fishing and leisure sightseeing as the largest grape science and technology park in the province. First, based on a high starting point plan. Professor Chen Wenlin from Nanjing Agricultural University was invited to compile the “Detailed Planning of Jinpinyuan Ecological Vineyard”. Introduce the concept of leisure and agricultural development such as “ecological experience” and “agricultural park”, which are divided into comprehensive service area, leisure fishing center, leisure picking garden (hundred fruit garden), rain-proof cultivation area, processing and packaging and other functional areas. Among them, 100 acres of picking gardens (hundred orchards), built 44,000 square meters of greenhouses, mainly planting grapes, cherries, peaches, Taiwanese dates, dragon fruit and other nearly 100 kinds of famous fruit, reaching fruit harvesting and packaging all year round. Listing. The second is to highlight standardized production. Paying attention to the grape brand and quality construction, we specially hired the horticultural institute of the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences as the technical support, and as a demonstration base for the new varieties of high-quality fruit. In addition to the leisure picking gardens, a large area is unified with facilities and rain-proof cultivation, and unified technical standards management is implemented to achieve “winning by quality” and the brand of Jinpinyuan is launched. The third is to focus on the industry. After the project is completed, it will not only attract tourists to visit, leisurely picking, but also cultivate new fruit production bases and characteristic industrial bases. And through In the form of “company + cooperative + farmer”, the development of local farmers has been added to solve the employment problem of landless farmers. At present, more than 150 local migrant workers have been recruited, which has boosted farmers’ income.