Shanghai Linmu Dafeng Food Co., Ltd.
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    shànghǎi línmù dà fēng shípǐn yǒuxiàn gōngsī yú 2012 nián 5 yuè yóu shànghǎi fú yuán jítuán tóuzī chuàngjiàn, zuò luò zài shěng jí nóngchǎnpǐn jiāgōng jízhōng qū——dà fēng shì fēngshōu dàdì nóngchǎnpǐn shēnjiāgōng jízhōng qū nèi, nián jiāgōng chì dòu 5000 dūn, dōngguā 4500 dūn, nánguā 2000 dūn, cǎoméi 1000 dūn, shì jí nóngchǎnpǐn zhòngzhí, shōugòu, jiāgōng, xiāoshòu yú yītǐ de mínyíng kējì qǐyè. Gōngsī yī qí zhàn dì miànjī 50 mǔ, xiàn yǒu zǒng zīchǎn 3000 duō wàn yuán, gùdìng zīchǎn 2200 wàn yuán, zhuānyè jìshù zhígōng 49 rén, yǒngyǒu yītiáo shuǐguǒ xiàn liào shēngchǎnxiàn hé yītiáo dòu lèi xiàn liào shēngchǎnxiàn, chǎngfáng miànjī 12000 píngfāng mǐ.“Fú yuán” pái xìliè xiàn liào zhǔyào xiāo wǎng shànghǎi, zhèjiāng, shāndōng, nánjīng, ānhuī děng dì.2013 Nián shíxiàn xiāoshòu shōurù 4500 wàn yuán, lìshuì 600 duō wàn yuán.

    wǒmen qǐyè jiāng bùduàn de kuòdà shēngchǎn guīmó, zēngjiā shēngchǎn zhǒnglèi, zēngqiáng yèwù jīxiào, yùjì zài jīnnián 5 yuèfèn, èr qí gōngchéng jiéshù hòu, tóuzī xīnjiàn yītiáo zhuǎnhuà tángjiāng shēngchǎnxiàn, lìzhēng zài 2014 nián niándǐ chǎnzhí chāo yì yuán.

    zài gè jí lǐngdǎo de guānhuái zhǐdǎo xià, gōngsī zhìlì yú jiāng qǐyè dǎzào chéng quánguó yīliú de nóng fùchǎnpǐn jiāgōng qǐyè, wèilái bì jiāng yǐ chūsè de yèjī huíbào shèhuì.

    Shanghai Linmu Dafeng Food Co., Ltd. was founded in May 2012 by Shanghai Fuyuan Group. It is located in the provincial-level agricultural product processing concentration area - Dafeng City Harvest Harvest Agricultural Products Deep Processing Concentration Zone, processing 5,000 tons of red beans, winter melon It is a private technology enterprise integrating planting, purchasing, processing and sales of agricultural products with 4500 tons, 2000 tons of pumpkins and 1,000 tons of strawberries. The first phase of the company covers an area of 50 mu, with total assets of more than 30 million yuan, fixed assets of 22 million yuan, 49 professional and technical workers, a fruit filling production line and a bean filling production line with a plant area of 12,000 square meters. “Fuyuan” brand series fillings are mainly sold to Shanghai, Zhejiang, Shandong, Nanjing, Anhui and other places. In 2013, it achieved sales income of 45 million yuan and profits and taxes of more than 600 million yuan.

    Our company will continue to expand production scale, increase production types and enhance business performance. It is expected that in May this year, after the completion of the second phase of the project, we will invest in a new infusion syrup production line and strive to exceed 100 million yuan by the end of 2014.

    Under the guidance of leaders at all levels, the company is committed to making the company a national first-class agricultural and sideline products processing enterprise, and will return the society with outstanding performance in the future.