Institute of Flower Planting in Dafeng District, Yancheng, Jiangsu
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    yánchéng shì fāng cǎi yuányì kēxué yán jiù yuàn yóu dà fēng pénzāi huāhuì yánjiū suǒ tóuzī chuàngbàn. Xiàngmù zhàn de 120 mǔ, zǒng tóuzī 2000 wàn yuán, jiànshè lián dòng dàpéng 8 zuò 15360m2, dān tǐ biāozhǔn dàpéng 50 gè 12400m2, zǔ péi zhōngxīn 1500㎡yǐjí bàngōng, shēngchǎn fùshǔ yòng fáng. Jiànchéng hòu shèlì qiúgēn huāhuì yánjiū suǒ, guānshǎng cǎo yánjiū suǒ, tiánguā yánjiū suǒ, guǒshù yánjiū suǒ, xiǎo záliáng yánjiū suǒ děng yán jiù jīgòu. Zhǔyào yǐ huāhuì, shūcài, guǒshù, miáomù, xiǎo záliáng děng jīngjì zuòwù wéi shēngchǎn hé yán jiù duìxiàng, cóngshì xīn pǐnzhǒng xuǎn yù, kuò fán yánjiū hé shìfàn tuīguǎng. Huāhuì yǐ qiúgēn sùgēn huā máogèn, júhuā, tiānzhúkuí, měirénjiāo wéi zhǔ; shūcài yǐ guā lèi wéi zhǔ, rú tiánguā, nánguā, xīguā; guǒshù yǐ cǎoméi, pútáo wéi zhǔ; xiǎo záliáng yǐ dàdòu, huāshēng, chì dòu, zhīma wéi zhǔ, lìzhēng jiànchéng quánguó zuìdà de pénzāi huāhuì pǐnzhǒng chuàngxīn yǔ zhǒng miáo kāifā jīdì. Wèi yuányì shēngchǎn de pǐnzhǒng gēngxīn, jìshù jìnbù, chǎnyè fāzhǎn tígōng kējì zhīchēng. Yán jiù yuàn lìzú kējì xiāndǎo, fúwù sān nóng, yǐ yùzhǒng wèi héxīn, zài zhòngdiǎn yán jiù duìxiàng de lǐngyù nèi, zhēng zuò zhōngguó yīliú de yùzhǒng zhě hé zhǒng miáo shēngchǎn zhě!

    Yancheng Fangcai Horticultural Science Research Institute was founded by Dafeng Potted Flower Research Institute. The project covers an area of 120 mu, with a total investment of 20 million yuan. It has built 8 buildings of 15360m2 in a multi-storey greenhouse, 50 12400m2 in a single standard greenhouse, 1500m2 in a group training center, and office and production auxiliary buildings. After the completion of the establishment, the Institute of Bulbs and Flowers, the Institute of Ornamental Grass, the Melon Research Institute, the Fruit Tree Research Institute, and the Small Grain Research Institute will be established. It mainly produces and researches economic crops such as flowers, vegetables, fruit trees, seedlings and small grains, and engages in research, demonstration and expansion of new varieties. The flowers are mainly bulbous perennial ranunculus, chrysanthemum, geranium and canna; vegetables are mainly melons, such as melon, pumpkin and watermelon; fruit trees are mainly strawberries and grapes; small grains are mainly soybean, peanut, red bean and sesame. Strive to build the country's largest potted flower variety innovation and seedling development base. Provide scientific and technological support for the variety renewal, technological progress and industrial development of horticultural production. Based on science and technology, the institute serves the three rural areas and takes breeding as the core. In the field of key research objects, the institute strives to be the first-class breeder and seed producer in China!