Yancheng Fengyuan Edible Fungus Co., Ltd.
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  • Yancheng Fengyuan Edible Fungus Co., Ltd. was established in March 2010 with a registered capital of 2 million yuan. There are two straining machines, one inoculation production line and six 9000 square-inch mushroom sheds. At present, the main brand products include black chicken, big ball cover, bamboo stalk, and chicken leg mushroom.

    The enterprise belongs to the 2014 provincial agricultural industrialization guidance project. Modern agricultural production base facilities to build an efficient facility gardening base. Through the form of cooperatives, the company adopts the model of cooperative (company) + farmer + base, and implements the five unified management methods of unified production, unified training, unified management, unified sales, and unified accounting. Industrialization, scale and standardization of production have opened up a new road to prosperity, promoting the continuous increase of agricultural income and the sustainable development of modern agriculture.